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Thursday, August 25, 2011

32 Weeks

Man, time flies when you're pregnant and are chasing after an-almost two-year-old. I am so bad about blogging, I need to get better and quick.

32 weeks I've gained 13 pounds - still lighter than I started my last pregnancy, so I'm doing pretty good I think. At my dr. appt today he saw that our baby boy (yes, it's a boy! Another post I should've written) has moved from lying sideways to lying on his back facing the world, butt down. I actually felt him turn a few days ago but I wasn't sure if he was head up or head down. So basically he is sitting on my bladder. He's actually pretty nice to me compared to Bailee, she used to just hang out with a foot in my ribs constantly.

I'm looking forward to my baby shower in a week, but at the same time I'm not. We're only having two kids so it's the last shower of any kind I'll ever have. Pretty much how I feel about this pregnancy too, last time it was exciting because everything was the first time for everything, first kicks, first Baby Sightings, first pregnant belly, now everything is the last everything. Even though this pregnancy has been kind of a pain in the butt with everything hurting more and earlier, I'm going to miss a lot of the fun parts about it. I like feeling him kick (when he's not hurting me!) and my belly is finally to the point where I feel like I'm cute pregnant, not giant, and not just chubby looking.

Oh, I got pictures taken this time too and I'm happy with the way they turned out. :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Round Two

Well, I haven't updated in forever, I keep trying to. I'll start a post and then something happens and I have to save it and then I forget to come back. A lot has happened since my last published post, obviously, but since I doubt anyone reads this I'm not too worried about disappointing anyone. I guess this is more for my own entertainment than anyone elses.

As of today I am 16 weeks, one day pregnant with our second child. I found out at the beginning of February that I was unexpectedly pregnant. We were surprised, but happy. I really wasn't wanting to be pregnant in the summer again, but what can you do? So as of today, when I had my latest dr. appt., I am due Oct. 20th.

Baby is growing and looks good so far, but my dr. was worried because the placenta is very low, not where it should be. This leads to a condition called, "Placenta Previa." Since it's so early, it can still move up to where it should be and there won't be any further complications. Most people who show this happening before 20 weeks have no problems but for some, the placenta stays where it is and can lead to major complications for the baby and me. So let's pray that it moves up and everything goes back to normal.

This pregnancy has been way different than my first. I had morning sickness, which was really all-day sickness, but I never threw up. Everything I ate made me feel bloated and nauseous so I didn't eat much at all, and actually lost weight my first trimester. The smell of meat cooking, any kind of meat, made my stomach turn. The worst was jerky that Lee's dad brought from Colorado. I felt bad because I LOVE the jerky he makes, and I could eat it, but if I smelled it it would make me want to puke. So I kept it tightly sealed in a plastic baggie.

Cravings have been similar - scrambled eggs have been the biggest one. I guess I need protein.
My hips and back have already been super achy and I've already had lots of heartburn. I didn't have either of those problems until the end last time. So who knows what the other 23 weeks will have in store???

I have another ultrasound appt. next week, to see the placenta in better detail. I'll update after my appt. and find out more about what's going on.

Yay for a new post!