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Monday, March 30, 2009

17 Weeks Movement

Today was the first time I could really feel the baby move! This morning I was swimming before work and when I got in I felt a weird "rolling" motion. I normally dive in but the farther along I get I figure it's probably safer to just slide in.  Later when I was swimming butterfly, I felt something like flips in my stomach which I know was more baby movement. Maybe the baby is going to be a swimmer too and was practicing laps!  It was definitely a cool feeling and it continued throughout the day.  

Still no morning sickness or any issues.  A little dizziness but not too bad and I haven't gained weight yet.  I have been craving fish and chips though! Around Super Bowl time in Jan. I really wanted bean dip. 

Monday, March 2, 2009

Heartbeat and Ultrasound #2

Today I went to my second doctor appointment and got another ultrasound. The first one was fun but all we could see was a little white blob and something moving that my doctor said was a heartbeat. Lee couldn't see anything. 
This time it actually looks like a baby! We could see the head and body and the general area where the feet are. We got to hear the heartbeat and man it was going so fast! It made everything seem so much more real. Amazing to me how people can not believe in God and know the miracle that it takes to create a life and believe in abortion.   Anyway, I'm really excited to watch our baby grow and can't wait to hold him or her. 

Weird cravings so far:
Marshmallow Peeps
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Fish and Chips