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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How I Met...My New Favorite Show!

Since May of 2004 there has been a void in my life; a void that has never quite been filled. Oh sure there were substitutions, but nothing quite lived up to the original. 2004 was the year the last new Friends episode ran on tv; Friends had been my favorite show for all of my college years and especially since grad school. I started watching it back in its first year, 1994, but as an 8th grader, trying to follow the adult undertones were a little much for me. So I picked it up again at the end of high school and watched until that fatefull day in May when I would have to say goodbye to my FRIENDS.

About a month ago I was over at Kevin and Brenda's house and they had me watch an episode of How I Met Your Mother. They had been talking about it for a while so I wanted to see what the big deal was. All I have to say, is that they were right! Now Lee and I are addicted, we just bought both seasons on DVD and after we watched all of Season 1 with our friends, we watched it all over again on the way back from Oregon with my brother and sister-in-law. Who, by the way, now like it too. I finally have my FRIENDS void filled with another great comedy with awesome characters that have just the right combination of saracasm and emotion and plot lines that are le-gen-DARY. :) The writers do a great job of sucking you into the story so you just can't wait to see what happens next.

So tonight, this weekend, whenever, do yourself a favor and go rent (or buy!) Season 1 of How I Met Your Mother. Then come back here and thank me for your new favorite show!

1 comment:

Bobbi & Noe said...

I have never seen that show. I should check it out!

Can we move the pics back to the 17th? I think that would be better.

Let me know if that is alright.

Thanks Stacey