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Sunday, April 20, 2008

3 Things About Stacey

Three jobs I have had in my life:
1. lifeguard
2. holiday window painter
3. camp counselor

Three movies I would watch over and over:
1. you've got mail
2. while you were sleeping
3. music and lyrics

Three places I have lived:
1. conroe, tx
2. Newport Beach, CA
3. Preston Park, PA

Three shows that I watch:
1. American Idol
2. Friends
3. The Office

Three Places I have Been to:
1. Germany
2. Austria
3. New York

Three people who e-mail me regularly:
1. Mary Ann
2. Dad
3. ebay

Three places I’d rather be right now:
1. at the beach
2. sleeping in my bed
3. swimming in a pool

Three friends I think will respond:
1. you
2. you
3. you

Three things I am looking forward to this year:
1. swimming again
2. getting a job (it has to happen sometime!)
3. going to oregon

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