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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gen. Abbrv.

I blame text messaging. Before text messaging people spoke in full sentences and only abbreviated things that were supposed to be shortened, like street signs. Now, everything is abbreviated or combining two words into a made up word. And I'm all for texting, don't get me wrong, but somewhere we need to draw a line. It's gotten to the point where kids in my classes are writing, "IDK" for "i don't know" on answers. How much worse can it get?

I think the first time I started noticing it was with celebrities, starting with J. Lo and then Bennifer. Then we had Brangelina and KFed and I've actually heard Jessica Simpson referred to as J. Simp and her sister referred to as A.Simp.  Seriously??? 

Recently, stores and companies have started doing this. Ie. Pacific Sunwear went to Pac Sun and Dairy Queen went to DQ. I noticed the other day watching a National Geographic show that they are now calling it "Nat Geo." And Tuesday on American Idol (which by the way, they should start calling it Propaganda Idol, but that's another blog entirely!) Randy Jackson said he liked how one of the contestants got into the "false".  Is falsetto really that long of a word???

Alright, I'm off my soapbox. But tell me I'm not the only one that's going crazy by our generation of abbreviation??? 

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Great new posts! I love the surfer girl pic, so cool!